You can add this image to your Image assets: Add the new app iconįinally, please note that for new submissions to the Apple Store, you’ll need to provide the new 1024×1024 px icon. The problem is that Xcode 9 can’t update from Swift 2 to 4 syntax out of the box. Again, this may only be a potential problem, but I’m stating it here since I ran into it. Then, when you open it up in Xcode 9, you’ll be able to update to Swift syntax 4. Then, just before updating to Xcode 9, you have to do ionic prepare ios and open the project in Xcode and update to the new Swift syntax (in case you haven’t done this before). Here we will use the power of this great package to implement Google Maps with a Draggable Marker and Search bar for places in Ionic 5 application using Angular.
Say that you had Xcode 8 till recently and you updated everything as outlined above. This Angular post is compatible with Angular 4 upto latest versions, Angular 7, Angular 8, Angular 9, Angular 10, Angular 11 & Angular 12. ⚠️ Now, here’s a potentially tricky part. If you have a platforms/ios/MyApp.xcworkspace file in there as well, open that one instead. Execute the ionic prepare ios command, and open up the platforms/ios/MyApp.xcodeproj file using Xcode. Update Xcode to the newest version ( 9.1 currently). ionic start myIonic tabs cd myIonic ionic platform add android ionic platform add ios. When asked, make sure to choose 1.5.3 (at the time of writing this).
#Ionic ios 11 status bar padding install
You will be prompted to install some additional packages, and for those packages, you’ll have to choose the version of Angular you want to use with them. Update Ionic to the latest 1.x version ( 1.3.5 as of this writing) with the following command:īower install ionic-team/ionic-bower#1.3.5